Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pentingnya belajar regulasi - contoh kasus Industri Kemasan
Hal inilah yang dialami oleh industri makanan dan minuman pada umumnya. Mayoritas kemasan yang digunakan oleh industri minuman kemasan (susu dan jus) adalah produk import yang tidak memiliki pabrik di Indonesia. Alhasil, pabrik proses pengisian yang di Indonesia harus menambah biaya impor pada komponen kemasan. (lihat artikel di bawah ini)
Oleh karena itu, regulasi industri harus ditegakkan terlebih dahulu sebelum pengambilan keputusan teknis dilakukan. Sebaik apapun algoritma optimasi industri yang dilakukan, apabila regulasi industri masih belum mendukung, maka optimasi di lini produksi tidak akan pernah terealisasi hingga angka optimal.
Sebagai seorang ahli teknik industri, ada baiknya kita mengetahui regulasi yang ada saat ini, untuk memberikan inspirasi mengenai optimasi di dunia industri yang sesungguhnya (contoh : meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengubah regulasi tenaga kerja selain mengatur penjadualan waktu kerja pegawai, mereduksi waktu lead time dengan mengatur regulasi [baca=retribusi] transportasi di jalur arteri selain mengatur rute terpendek transportasi, dsb.).
Kemasan Impor Dominan
JAKARTA - Industri kemasan di Indonesia untuk produksi skala besar masih didominasi asing. Sebab, untuk beberapa produk tertentu, produsen lebih suka mengimpor bahan kemasan daripada menggunakan hasil produksi nasional.Chief Marketing Director FGD Herman Pratomo menyatakan produsen minuman kemasan, seperti susu dan jus, lebih memilih impor kemasan karton. Sebab, dua produsen utama kemasan karton, yakni Tetra Pak dan Combipack, tidak memiliki pabrik di Indonesia. ''Mereka mengimpor kemasan karton dan di Indonesia hanya proses pengisian,'' ujanya saat pameran East Design & Graphic Expo (EDGE) 2008 kemarin (18/6). Akibatnya, kata dia, harga produk-produk tersebut lebih mahal. ''Biasanya biaya pengepakan hanyalah 10 persen. Biaya kemasan karton dari dua produsen itu bisa lebih tinggi,'' katanya. Konsekuensinya, kata dia, konsumen yang harus membayar lebih mahal.Menurut dia, masalah ini bisa diselesaikan jika dua produsen itu membuka pabrik di Indonesia. ''Yang mencegah mereka masuk ke sini adalah kendala soal regulasi,'' tuturnya. Selain itu, lanjut dia, SDM andal juga menjadi kendala. Di sisi lain, industri pengepakan karton di tanah air belum berkembang pesat, terutama untuk produk-produk makanan dan minuman. Salah satunya adalah masalah teknologi. ''Rata-rata produsen pengepakan Indonesia memakai mesin dari Tiongkok. Harganya lebih ekonomis dibandingkan mesin dari Eropa atau Australia,'' paparnya. ''Padahal, produsen memilih merek Eropa karena terkait kepercayaan atas mutu dan marketing atau image.''
Sumber : Jawapos online, 19 Juni 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
9 Sektor manufaktur berpotensi merugi
Dengan melihat kondisi perekonomian di tengah gejolak kenaikan harga BBM, maka tidak ada hal yang mudah untuk dikerjakan di Indonesia, dan juga di luar negeri. Hal ini memicu banyak permasalahan ekonomi dan juga tingkat hidup industri Indonesia. Tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa para pelaku industri akan merger atau bahkan akhirnya bangkrut karena tidak mampu menekan biaya yang berlebihan akibat biaya energi.
Sudah saatnya, para pakar Teknik Industri mengambil bagian dalam meningkatkan efisiensi industri di Indonesia, mengoptimasi sistem industri untuk menyelamatkan neraca keuangan dari sistem yang kurang optimal dan kurang efisien. Tetapi bagaimana caranya ? Setiap industri pasti memiliki caranya masing2. Sebelum kita berdiskusi cara yang baik, mari kita cermati sektor industri yang diperkirakan akan merugi akibat kenaikan harga minyak dunia.
Importasi produk industri melonjak
Sembilan sektor manufaktur berpotensi merugi
JAKARTA: Peningkatan impor produk manufaktur-baik berupa bahan baku industri yang lebih hilir maupun produk jadi-mulai membuat cemas kalangan industri di dalam negeri karena berpotensi memicu kerugian.
Ketua Komite Pengamanan Perdagangan Indonesia (KPPI) Halida Miljani mengatakan terdapat sedikitnya sembilan sektor industri yang berpotensi dirugikan oleh peningkatan impor produk sejenis.
Kesembilan sektor itu adalah industri semen, kertas, baja (profil, pipa, dan kawat), tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT), sektor kimia hilir seperti monosodium glutamate (MSG) dan asam sitrat, dan sorbitol, industri farmasi, kaca, ban, dan sektor makanan (terigu).
Sepanjang empat tahun terakhir, importasi produk tersebut menunjukkan tren meningkat di 12 wilayah yang mencakup Jatim, Jabar, Banten, Sumut, Lampung, Sulsel, NTB, Sumsel, Yogyakarta, Kalsel, Jateng, dan Kaltim.
"Itu merupakan daerah-daerah yang rentan terhadap persaingan dengan produk impor dan praktik dumping. Daerah-daerah tersebut sebenarnya justru menghasilkan berbagai produk potensial serupa," kata Halida yang juga Ketua Komite Antidumping Indonesia (KADI), pekan lalu.
KPPI mengamati setidaknya ada 14 produk yang impornya melonjak dalam empat tahun terakhir di antaranya semen, tepung terigu, baja profil, ban mobil, ampicilin, sodium silicate, float glass, polyethylene terephthalate, kawat baja, pipa baja, tin plate, coated paper, maleic anhydride dan asam sirat.
"Ancaman terjadinya pelemahan pasar dan pemangkasan produksi itu bahkan kian mengkhawatirkan menyusul terjadinya ketidakstabilan makroekonomi yang dipicu oleh kenaikan harga BBM yang mendongkrak kenaikan biaya distribusi, sehingga inflasi ikut melambung akibat pelemahan daya beli konsumen," ujarnya.
Menurut dia, sejauh ini pengenaan sanksi safeguard baru diterapkan pada produk keramik pecah belah (tableware). Saat ini, KPPI masih menyelidiki permohonan safeguard untuk produk dextrose monohydrate/ DMH (bahan pemanis makanan, minuman dan obat) yang impornya diduga telah menguasai 75% pasar Indonesia.
Data BPS
Berdasarkan analisa KPPI terhadap data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), lonjakan impor paling kecil terjadi pada terigu yaitu dari 343.144,9 ton pada 2003 menjadi 536.961,6 ton pada 2006 atau meningkat 19%.
Lonjakan impor terbesar terjadi pada semen yaitu jenis semen portland dari 31.734,7 ton pada 2003 menjadi 886.800,2 ton pada 2006 dan jenis semen lain yang impornya naik dari 280.800 ton pada 2003 menjadi 314.009,1 ton pada 2006.
Kenaikan volume impor yang sangat besar, lanjutnya, dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi industri dalam negeri jika barang tersebut diimpor dengan harga dumping (harga jual untuk ekspor lebih murah dibandingkan dengan harga jual di negara pengekspor).
Kendati demikian, katanya, KADI belum menemukan adanya praktik dumping atas tren lonjakan impor di beberapa produk manufaktur itu. "Meskipun tidak terbukti, industri dalam negeri tetap dapat meminta pengenaan safeguard [pengamanan perdagangan] jika dirasa mengalami kerugian akibat membanjirnya produk impor serupa," katanya. (
Oleh Yusuf Waluyo Jati - Bisnis Indonesia
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It is one of efficiency for the raising oil price - what do you think?
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Continental Airlines Inc (CAL.N) said on Thursday it would cut 3,000 jobs, or about 6.5 percent of its work force, and retire 67 older planes as it scales down in the face of soaring fuel prices.
The No. 4 carrier is the latest of the major U.S. airlines to announce large cutbacks as they grapple with unprecedented oil prices. On Tuesday, UAL Corp's (UAUA.O) United Airlines announced plans to slash jobs and flights, following a similar move by AMR Corp's (AMR.N) American Airlines last month.
"The airline industry is in a crisis. Its business model doesn't work with the current price of fuel and the existing level of capacity in the marketplace. We need to make changes in response," Larry Kellner, Continental's chief executive, and Jeff Smisek, its president, wrote in a letter to Continental employees released on Thursday.
Crude oil futures crested at $135 a barrel last month -- more than twice the price of a year ago -- sending the cost of jet fuel up sharply.
To counter its higher fuel bill, Continental said it would cut 3,000 of its 45,000 staff, and retire 67 older single-aisle Boeing (BA.N) 737 planes by the end of 2009, on top of the six planes it has already pulled out of service this year.
The airline said it would replace some of those jets with deliveries of new, more fuel-efficient 737s. Its mainline fleet of about 375 planes would shrink to about 344 by the end of next year, an overall cut of about 8 percent.
It said it would cut flights after the summer season, reducing domestic capacity -- or the number of seats for sale on U.S. flights -- by about 11 percent in the fourth quarter.
Continental plans to cut domestic flights about 16 percent in the fourth quarter, over the year before, but said it would not announce which destinations will be hit until late next week.
It said it would provide more details on the job cuts next week after discussing them with employees. The airline hopes most of the cuts will be voluntary.
The reductions will take effect after the peak summer season, Continental said, although some management and clerical jobs will be cut sooner.
Continental's shares, which have fallen 35 percent so far this year as surging oil prices have ravaged the industry, rose about 3 percent to $15 in premarket trading, from their close at $14.50 on the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday. (source:
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Seven eleven - Japan - Story
Established in 1973, Seven-Eleven Japan set up its first store in May1974, in Koto-ku,Tokyo.
The company was first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in October 1979. It is owned by the Ito-Yokado group which also manages a chain of supermarkets in Japan and owns a majority share in South land, the company managing Seven-Eleven in the US. The last ten years have been a period of phenomenal growth for Seven-Eleven Japan. Between 1985 and 1994, the number of stores increased from 2,299 to 5,523; sales increased from 386 billion Yen to 1,282 billion Yen; Net income increased from 9 billion Yen to 46 billion Yen.
In 1994, Seven-Eleven Japan ranked first among Japanese retailers in terms of ordinary profit. The return on equity (ROE) has averaged well over 20% over the last ten years. Seven-Eleven Japan is currently Japan's largest retailer in terms of operating income and number of stores. In 1994, customer visits to Seven-Eleven outlets totaled 1.8 billion,which translates to every person in Japan visiting a Seven-Eleven on average 15 times a year!
Company History and Profile
Both Ito-Yokado and Seven-Eleven Japan were founded by Mr. Masatoshi Ito. He started his retail empire after the second world war, when he joined his mother and elder brother to work in a small clothing store in Tokyo. By 1960 he was in sole control and the single store had grown into a $3 million company. After a trip to the US in 1961, Ito became convinced that superstores were the wave of the future.
At that time Japan was still dominated by Mom and Popstores. Ito's chain of superstores in the Tokyo area was instantly popular and still constitutesthe core of Ito-Yokado's retail operations. In 1972, Ito first approached the Southland Corporation about the possibility of opening Seven-Eleven convenience stores in Japan. After rejecting his initial request,Southland agreed to a licensing agreement in 1973. In exchange for 0.6% of total sales, Southland gave Ito exclusive rights throughout Japan.
In May 1974, the first Seven-Eleven convenience store opened in Tokyo. This new concept was an instant hit in Japan and experienced tremendous growth. By 1979 there were already 519 Seven-Eleven stores in Japan. By 1984 there were 2001 stores. Rapid growth has continued since then as detailed in Table 1, resulting in 5,523 stores by the end of 1994.
On October 24, 1990, the Southland Corporation entered into bankruptcy protection. Southland asked for Ito-Yokado's help and on March 5, 1991, IYG Holding was formed bySeven-Eleven Japan (48%) and Ito-Yokado (52%). IYG acquired 70% of Southland's common stock for a total price of $430 million.
Financial data for the different segments of the Ito-Yokado group demonstrates why Seven-Eleven Japan is worth a detailed study. Even though it contributes under 7% to thegroup's revenues from operations, it contributes over 47% of the group's operating income.
Over the last ten years, Seven Eleven Japan's revenue has grown on average by 12.6% annually and its net income has grown by 20.9% annually. Seven-Eleven Japan has managed to improve its return on sales (RoS) from 11.7% in 1984 to 25% in 1992. Over the last two years,the RoS has decreased somewhat to 23.8 % due to the economic recession in Japan.
Based on its annual sales, Seven-Eleven Japan is the third largest retailer in Japan. However, measured by ordinary profits, Seven-Eleven Japan is the largest retailer in Japan, even larger than its parent company, Ito-Yokado itself. With its 5,523 stores, Seven-Eleven is the largest convenience store chain in Japan. It is closely followed by Daiei CVS with 5,045 stores.
The Convenience Store Industry and 7-Eleven
As in the US, convenience stores in Japan provide customers with a variety of products carried by general retailers as well as food retailers. As of 1991, the retail structure was as shown below. While it is a small part of the overall retail outlets, Seven-Eleven Japan is a significant part of the convenience store outlets. It's share of this market has in fact grown since1991. This growth has been very carefully planned exploiting the core strengths that Seven-Eleven Japan has developed in theareas of Information systems and Distribution systems.
The Seven-Eleven Franchise System
Seven-Eleven has developed an extensive Franchise network and plays a keyrole in the daily operations of this network. The Seven-Eleven network consists of both company owned stores and third party owned franchises. In 1994 the percentage of company owned stores was 29.2%. To ensure efficiency, Seven-Eleven Japan's fundamental network expansion policy is based upon a market dominance strategy.
Entry into any new market is built around a cluster of 50 to 60 stores. Such clustering gives Seven-Eleven a high density market presence and allows itto operate an efficient distribution system. Seven-Eleven, in its annual report, lists th efollowing as advantages of the market-dominance strategy:
1. Boosts distribution efficiency.
2. Improves brand awareness.
3. Increases system efficiency.
4. Enhances the efficiency of franchise support services.
5. Improves advertising effectiveness.
6. Prevents competitors entrance into the dominant area.
Adhering to their dominant strategy, Seven-Eleven opened the majority of the 417 new stores in areas with existing clusters of stores. However, geographically Seven-Eleven Japan has a limited presence.They have stores in less than half (21 out of 47) the prefectures within Japan. However within prefectures where they are present, stores tend to be dense. The distribution of Seven-Eleven stores within Japan is contained in Figure 2.
Less than 1 out of 100 applicants is awarded a franchise (a testament totheir profitability) .The franchise owner is required to put 3 million Yen up front. Half of this amount is used for preparation of the store and training of the owner. The rest is used for purchasing the initial stock for the store. Seven-Eleven has an active ongoing relationship with the franchises.
Fortyfive percent of total gross profits at a store go to Seven-Eleven with the rest going to the store owner. The responsibilities of the two are as follows:Seven-Eleven Japan responsibilities:
1. Development of supply and merchandise.
2. Providing the ordering system.
3. Cost of system operation.
4. Accounting.
5. Advertising.
6. Installation and remodeling of facilities.
7. 80% of utility costs.
Franchise owner responsibilities:
1. Operation and management of store.
2. Hiring and paying staff.
3. Ordering.
4. Maintaining store appearance.
5. Customer service.
Kellogg Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern UniversityOperations Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Asing boleh usaha angkutan laut di Indonesia
Asing boleh usaha angkutan laut di Indonesia
Perusahaan pelayaran asing diizinkan beroperasi di Indonesia dengan mengoperasikan minimal satu kapal ukuran 5.000 gross ton (GT). Dirjen Perhubungan Laut Departemen Perhubungan Effendi Batubara mengatakan izin itu diberikan dengan syarat perusahaan pelayaran asing membentuk usaha patungan (joint venture).
"Selain itu kapal yang akan dioperasikan di Indonesia wajib berbendera Merah Putih dan diawaki oleh awak berkebangsaan Indonesia," katanya dalam seminar Kepelabuhanan dan Angkutan Laut di Hotel Nikko Jakarta, hari ini (29 mei) .Menurut dia, semua izin itu terangkum dalam Undang-Undang (UU)No.17/2008 tentang Pelayaran sebagai pengganti UU No.21/1992.
Effendi menjelaskan perusahaan pelayaran asing dapat mengurus izin usaha perusahaan pelayaran kepada Menhub Jusman Syaffi Djamal jika jenis angkutan laut antar provinsi dan internasional. Dia menegaskan jika perusahaan pelayaran asing ingin mengoperasikan kapalnya untuk angkutan laut antar kabupaten di dalam provinsi cukup mengajukan izin ke Gubernur Provinsi.
"Semua itu untuk mengakomodasi otonomi daerah secara proporsional, " ucap Effendi. Semua kemudahan itu, lanjut dia, diberikan untuk mengembangkan industri pelayaran nasional dengan kompetisi yang sehat. Dalam waktu setahun, UU Pelayaran yang baru akan diikuti dengan terbitnya delapan peraturan pemerintah baru. Peraturan pemerintah itu a.l. tentang kepelabuhanan, keselamatan kapal, dan navigasi laut.(er)