Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Generasi baru trolley otomatis untuk aplikasi e-fulfilment

Generasi baru trolley otomatis untuk aplikasi e-fulfillment

X2 Computing, salah satu suplier mobile computing terkemuka di United Kingdom (UK), bekerjasama dengan sebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan peralatan retail berkualitas tinggi berusaha menghasilkan sebuah trolley yang diintegrasikan dengan Teknologi Informasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan individu khususnya di retail dan pergudangan. Trolley, hasil kerjasama dengan Wanzl, dikatakan sebagai alat yang mudah untuk digunakan dan meningkatkan kenaikan kapasitas dan efisiensi (biaya) dalam pengambilan dan pengiriman barang.

X2 computing telah memenangkan beberapa order dari perusahaan home shopping terkemuka di dunia, seperti Waitrose, yang telah menggunakan trolley baru tersebut untuk jasa home shopping di UK. Setiap trolley diperlengkapi dengan onboard scanner dan sebuah tablet PC yang memiliki batere kecil dengan daya tahan 1 hari penuh. Batere, tablet PC dan scanner sangat mudah dipindahkan untuk di-charge atau dipindah untuk penyimpanan yang lebih aman to memaksimalkan lahan gudang trolley. X2 Computing juga menyediakan solusi charge batere yang terkustomisasi yang memiliki rak sehingga mampu menyimpan dan men-charge beberapa komputer dan batere sekaligus.

Berita lebih lanjut:

source :

Monday, May 10, 2010

Siapa bilang manufaktur identik dengan "jelek" dan "kotor" ?

Ketika kita berbicara tentang teknik mesin, kita punya image bahwa ilmu itu berhubungan dengan bengkel, onderdil, tempat yang kotor, tempat yang tidak teratur, tempat yang jelek, dll. Begitu pula ketika kita berdiskusi tentang teknik industri. Pabrik juga identik dengan mesin-mesin yang menggunakan onderdil, oli, barang2 yang bisa menimbulkan kotor dan jelek dari sisi keindahan dan pemandangan.

Namun, foto di bawah ini menunjukkan hal yang berbeda. Manufaktur yang indah dan bersih memberikan dampak yang baik kepada para pekerja. Saya yakin, ada beberapa industri yang telah menjaga kebersihan dan keindahan seperti foto di bawah ini. Apabila ada yang memiliki gambar serupa, biarlah gambar/foto itu dapat dibagikan kepada para industriawan untuk menjadi sebuah pelajaran positif bagi industri Indonesia.

Volkswagen Phaeton plant
Who says a factory has to be ugly and dirty? This is not your average car-assembly plant. Also known as the “Transparent Factory,” the walls of Volkswagen’s Phaeton Plant are made of almost 300,000 square feet of glass. The striking look is completed by Canadian Maple hardwood flooring.

source :

Bangunan kantor menentukan produktivitas ?

Para insinyur di bidang teknik industri berusaha mencari cara bagaimana menentukan faktor-faktor dalam industri (baik manufaktur maupun jasa) agar produktivitas kerja meningkat. Cara yang dilakukan adalah melakukan efisiensi dan manajemen sains dengan cara2 yang ilmiah, dihitung dengan matematis bahkan simulasi rumit yang akan memberikan hasil akurat dengan asumsi deterministik.

Perhitungan itu memang bisa menjadi salah satu acuan. Namun, ada satu faktor juga yang menentukan produktivitas pekerjaan, yaitu bangunan kantor kita. Coba kita simak bagaimana nyamannya kantor2 yang dikutip di bawah ini. Kalau kita berada di tempat itu, apakah produktivitas kita akan semakin meningkat atau menurun ?

Chamber of Commerce, Slovenia

Google Zurich

Selgas Cano Architecture

TBWA Hakukodo
Japanese advertising company

Pallota Teamworks


Social Networking from Netherlands

source :

Thursday, March 18, 2010

BPM Certification

BPM (Business Process Management) adalah sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengotomasi proses atau aktivitas-aktivitas yang terangkai untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan tertentu dari sebuah organisasi. Mengatur proses bisnis dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah sebuah seni yang perlu diterjemahkan dalam analisa kualitatif maupun kuantitatif.

Banyak organisasi profesional maupun akademis mengeluarkan sertifikasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mengajar atau bekerja di area BPM. Berikut adalah sajian dari sertifikasi yang telah beredar di kalangan international.

OMG (Object Management Group)
- OCEB Certified Professional, Fundamental
- OCEB Certified Professional, Business Intermediate
- OCEB Certified Professional, Business Advanced

- OCEB Certified Professional, Fundamental
- OCEB Certified Professional, Technical Intermediate
- OCEB Certified Professional, Technical Advanced

BPM CBok Certified Business Process Professional

International Process and Performance Institute
- IPAPI Certified Practitioner+
- IPAPI Certified Process Professional
- IPAPI Certified Process Manager
- IPAPI Certified Process Director
- IPAPI Certified Process Expert

BPM Council
BPM Council Certified

IBM (IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced)
IBM Certified Business Process Analyst - WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced

IBM (Rational System Architect)
IBM Certified Solution Designer - Rational System Architect: BPMN Emphasis

IBM (ex Lombardi Software)
AuraPortal BPM Suite
- AuraPortal Certified Consultant
- Auraportal Certified Senior Consultant

Bizagi BPM Suite
BizAgi Specialist

BPM Suite webMethods
Certified BPMS Developer

Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite
Ultimus Certified BPM Professional

IDS Scheer
- Certified ARIS Professional, Business Designer
- Certified ARIS Professional, Business Architect

Semoga informasi ini berguna bagi para peneliti di area BPM.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Penyedia jasa sudah memberikan signal untuk menyediakan "CUSTOMIZED" service. Sebuah hal yang dinantikan oleh konsumen, yaitu customization, telah dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan terkemuka untuk dapat bersaing di era yang penuh dengan kompetisi.

Teori customization sangat mudah. Sebuah perusahaan perlu mengetahui "isi hati" konsumen dan memproduksi produk yang sesuai dengan keinginan "isi hati" tersebut. Namun, dalam praktek sebuah bisnis, proses negosiasi atau proses untuk mengetahui "isi hati" konsumen adalah sangat susah. Banyak keinginan konsumen yang, bisa jadi, tidak sesuai dengan proses produksi atau material yang tersedia. Bisa jadi, konsumen justru lebih kecewa ketika mengetahui bahwa perusahaan tersebut tidak bisa memenuhi keinginannya.

Hal ini tentunya bisa dicari jalan tengahnya. Perusahaan menyediakan media yang dapat membatasi keinginan konsumen dalam hal design. Dan, konsumen dapat memiliki akses tersendiri untuk men-desain produk sesuai dengan keinginannya. Sesuatu yang tidak mudah. Tetapi, hal ini telah dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan terkemuka di dunia. Hari ini, saya akan mengambil contoh 3 perusahaan besar yang telah mengadopsi sistem CUSTOMIZATION untuk meningkatkan kompetensi perusahaan mereka di era Co-Creation Customer Value.


Konsumen dapat memberikan inspirasi sebuah desain sepatu yang bagus berdasarkan keinginan pribadi. Tentunya, ada banyak constraint yang perlu diketahui oleh konsumen. Dengan teknologi Web 2.0, sistem design customization dapat terlaksana. NIKE telah memulai sebuah metode menjaring suara konsumen perihal desain sepatu. Desain, warna, bentuk, dan segala properties yang perlu dilakukan untuk desain sepatu telah disediakan dalam website NIKE. Konsumen dapat menanyakan pendapat kepada komunitas yang tersedia untuk pengguna NIKE. Dan, penyedia jasa bisa memberikan perkiraan harga untuk design yang telah dibuat. Tentu saja, sistem ini semakin meningkatkan antusiasme konsumen dalam "PERSONALIZED" produk sepatu.

LEGO (Denmark)

Banyak kompetitor melihat mainan LEGO sebagai produk yang prospektif untuk mainan anak. Bukan hal itu saja, beragam permainan video telah menguras perhatian anak2, sehingga mereka beralih dari permainan LEGO ke arah video game. Hal ini sangat tidak menguntungkan LEGO sebagai pemain awal di dunia mainan anak-anak yang membutuhkan kreativitas dan ketrampilan ini. Dengan menggunakan teknologi Web 2.0, konsumen dapat mendownload sebuah software LEGO DIGITAL DESIGNER untuk membuat LEGO yang sesuai dengan keinginan pribadinya. Potensi sistem CUSTOMIZATION ini akan menjadi peluang yang sangat bagus untuk masa depan LEGO ketika mengetahui keinginan konsumen satu per satu.

IKEA (Sweden)

Sebuah perusahaan furniture dunia dari Swedia, yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga international, memberikan fasilitas kemudahan bagi konsumen yang ingin berbelanja perabotan rumah tangga. Fasilitas HOME PLANNER yang disediakan oleh IKEA memberi kemudahan bagi konsumen untuk mendesain (rumah, kantor, dapur, kamar tidur, dll.) dan mengetahui perkiraan harga dari desain yang dibuatnya. Desain yang telah dibuat dapat dikirimkan ke kantor IKEA dan pengiriman akan dilakukan sesuai dengan ketersediaan barang di gudang. Sistem ini sudah diterapkan cukup lama oleh IKEA US dan Europe untuk memberi kepuasan dan kelegaan kepada konsumen perihal desain dan customization.

Ada banyak perusahaan lain sedang mengarah pada hal serupa. Mereka berlomba-lomba menjadi perusahaan yang siap "CUSTOMIZED" pada setiap keinginan konsumen. Apabila tiba saatnya, kita yang adalah konsumen harus menentukan pilihan yang tepat. Ketika semua menyediakan kemudahan, maka kita yang akan kesulitan memilih.

Para konsumen, bersiaplah pada era "CUSTOMIZATION".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Virtual Currency

How can the future economic change ?
Could we imagine our future money ? There could be a lot of lifestyle changes in the world. Most people would like to consider the virtual currency as their future revenue and leave their actual job which is obtaining the real money. Could you imagine that ?

Internet applications move toward the virtual world (such as virtual economy) that allows every users to pay online, either using the real currency or virtual currency. It is obvious that in the near future, people need not to work at the company since all online shop permit every purchase item paid by virtual money. And, they - users - could easily get virtual currency by playing game online, use the social networking application (facebook, hi5, etc.).

People get rewards from what they contributed (to company, to organization, to others, etc.). It is certain that this reward & punishment issue are relevant to any actual industry. However, sooner or later, the advent of virtual world turn this issue into virtual reward and punishment. By gaming online, people need not to worry about real punishment. They could survive and put more effort to gain the rewards. In the social networking application, they do not worry about any distrust issue. If someone befool us, we don't have to worry about our real life since it will not influence our meal. Loosing any virtual money will not effect to much on the real world's life. That will be a big issue for human being in the next decade.

I refered to some articles that discussing about the virtual currency issues.

Universal virtual currency, however, could make a lot of sense for Facebook, especially given the recent “virtual credits” system that was introduced in Facebook’s own virtual gifting system. In this scenario, users would buy blocks of Facebook virtual currency directly, and then be able to use them in various ways in both Facebook’s own virtual gifts store or in third party applications. Hi5 announced a similar universal virtual currency program two weeks ago for developers on the hi5 Platform.

A large virtual currency and payment ecosystem has been growing on the Facebook Platform over the last two years. Many games and other applications are already monetizing well through their own virtual currencies, either through offer providers such as OfferPal, Super Rewards, Peanut Labs, and Gambit, direct credit card or Paypal/Amazon/Google payments through providers like Jambool and Spare Change, or mobile payments through providers like Zong and Paymo.

The opportunity to plug into a virtual currency system that would be available to every Facebook user would certainly be interesting to many developers. However, neither building a global payments platform nor managing a universal virtual currency are small tasks.

Should Facebook launch a virtual currency system, the dynamics of how it would affect existing monetization systems would heavily depend on the implementation – both from a user experience and a technical integration perspective. However, ultimately, things will simply come down to whichever option can make the best returns for a given application’s user base.

Payments is hard. Creating and managing an economy is even harder – just ask the Federal Reserve. Social Gold solves both problems for developers with a secure and easy-to-integrate API. Specifically, Social Gold offers:

•a scalable currency platform that you can have up and running with your own white-labeled currency in a matter of hours
•an industry-leading, in-game payments experience that can increase conversion by as much as 50%
•a robust analytics platform that helps you manage and optimize your virtual economy

Spare Change
Spare Change is simple. Users fund their Spare Change account with their credit card, PayPal, bank account or mobile phone - or complete marketing offers and surveys. Users use Spare Change instantly on all of their favorite social network applications.
For consumer:
- Buy fast and easy. It's never been easier to buy online. With Spare Change you can use your network logon or Spare Change balance on hundreds of apps with just a single click. Think iTunes on social networks.
- Buy with confidence. With Spare Change, any purchase you make is eligible for a 30-day refund.

For developer:
- Increase your revenue. By accepting micropayments via Spare Change, you can greatly increase your revenue. Also earn a revenue stream off every new user you refer to Spare Change!
- Integrate fast. We made payments, which are usually pretty hard, really easy. We find most developers can integrate our solution in just a couple hours.
- Grow your user base. Not only do we help you monetize your users, we also help drive other Spare Change users back to your apps.

Super Rewards

Implementing a Super Rewards offer-based platform has been proven to be the best way to monetize social applications and games. Super Rewards goes beyond displaying run-of-the-mill CPM or CPC ads; allowing publishers to incorporate the monetization platform as an unintrusive, yet integral component to the application or game.

Using the Super Rewards offer platform, publishers can reward gamers and app users with additional points, virtual goods, or virtual dollars for completing offers or paying directly with their credit card, mobile phone, or many other options.

Social Networking Sites: Super Rewards is implemented on nearly every major social networking platform including Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, and Hi5.

Standalone Sites: Super Rewards is also a primary monetization platform for a variety of standalone sites. Whether it is a dating web-app, software download site, or a membership/subscription-based site, Super Rewards can be easily implemented by dropping in the iFrame.

MMOs: Massively Multiplayer games and virtual worlds have also seen the benefits of turnkey virtual currency platform implementations. Super Rewards works there too!

iPhone: Add Super Rewards to your iPhone apps! Initial results show that mobile apps and games monetize extremely well. Create an account to download the SDK.

In 2007, the Gambit's team formed kickflip inc. to build online games, eventually reaching over 7 million users. They had the same problem you have...making money. So they built all the tools they needed to help users pay for their games. Their users loved it. They also loved it. So they thought they'd allow a few friends to use it. Surprisingly, the developers and their users liked it too. Since then they've been focused on providing the easiest payment solution for online games and communities.

Peanut Labs Media Monetization Platform
The largest global footprint and widest choice of monetization options. Ever. The Peanut Labs Media Monetization Platform is designed specifically to work with virtual currencies and goods in the new digital economy - be they social applications on Facebook, Myspace or Linkedin, or leading Games and Gaming communities.

The platform is turnkey, simple to setup and fully managed. We handle all billing and sales logistics, customer support, currency conversions, optimizations and fraud resolution. Publishers average $300 eCPMs using the entire system. Peanut Labs was listed as a FAST Top 50 Company in 2008. See this Interactive Map for our global monetization options in major countries.

Offerpal Media
Offerpal Media, the leader in virtual currency monetization, in 16 September 2009 announced the launch of its self-service Multivariate Testing platform. Designed to help online game developers increase revenues from their virtual goods and services, the platform provides a simple way to test, measure and optimize critical monetization variables including exchange rates, price points, user interface options and more. The multivariate testing is available for free to users of Offerpal Media’s virtual currency payment platform.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Busan New Port (1)

Busan Port ranks 5th in the world in terms of container cargo handling volume (13,452 million TEU, 2008) and serves as the hub port of Northeast Asia by connection to neighboring ports via far reaching network of feeder services. Since it is located on the key routes linking Europe and North America, ships travelling between North America and Eurasia may use Busan Port without changing their main trunk lines.

In the face of growing demands for better and more efficient port logistics services and heightened global competitiveness, the construction of Busan New Port with 30 new berths was planned and is scheduled for completion by 2015. Initial 6 berths were opened in 2006 and additional 24 berths are to be built by 2015.

The total cost is estimted at USD 9.15 billion and once completed, the new port will be capable of handling 8.04 million TEU's annually with the total capacity of 15 million TEU.

State-of-the-art, 22-row twin lifts and a top notch IT system will be introduced to offer the best port logistics services.

The northern distribution part will be developed by 2010. Foreign investors are invited to take opportunities to invest and do business in the new port and the distripark.


An area of approximately 1.2 million square meter (288 acres) to the north of North Container Terminal of Busan New Port will be developed into a logistics district in four phases by 2010. Foreign logistics companies are invited to move into the distripark and take advantage of the state-of-the-art port logistics infrastructure and services that Busan New Port offers. In addition, tenant businesses can enjoy various incentives including tax benefits and streamlined administration services.

Free Trade Zone

North Container Terminal and the logisticis district measuring approximately 4 million square meters (960 acres) have been designated as a Free Trade Zone in 2004. Since Busan New Port is also a part of the Free Economic Zone, companies can benefit from the special status of this area and maximize the efficiency of their business operation by using all the incentives available under the Free Trade Zone Act and the Free Economic Zone Act.

Busan New Port Logistic Complex

Source: Invest Busan - Korea ( & Future Development of Busan Port (BPA, 2009)