Friday, November 28, 2008

E-book tentang Business Process Management

Business Process Management (BPM) telah menjadi salah satu teknologi yang terus dikembangkan oleh vendor-vendor terkemuka di dunia ini. Keandalan software atau system ini salah satunya adalah otomasi business process perusahaan. Tentunya, otomatisasi proses akan memberi kepuasan tersendiri kepada perusahaan (tidak perlu membayar resource yang berlebihan - seperti manusia) dan memberi efek yang cukup signifikan bagi konsumen (efisiensi waktu dan validitas hasil dengan tingkat error yang lebih kecil). Banyak resource yang telah beredar di internet. Link berikut ini akan membantu anda untuk menemukan resource (buku, petunjuk, dan perkembangan informasi) seputar BPM.

Pendahuluan singkat

Business Process is a sequence of tasks that are performed in series or in parallel by two or more individuals or computer applications to reach a common goal” (Rahshid N. Khan)

Berdasarkan definisinya
" BPM is an integrated methodology to design, manage and improve business processes, in order to enhance productivity. Sometimes, it means a software systems to support the methodology " (Rahshid N. Khan)

"Workflow is the automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules." - WfMC

" Workflow Management System is a system that defines, creates and manages the execution of workflows through the use of software, running on one or more workflow engines, which is able to interpret the process definition, interact with workflow participants and, where required, invoke the use of IT tools and applications. " - WfMC

Semoga membantu

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

RFID related implementation (2)

Hyundai, salah satu perusahaan otomotif ternama di dunia, mencoba menerapkan teknologi RFID di perusahaan manufaktur untuk bidang otomotif.

Sebagai perusahaan otomotif yang siap menjadi ranking 1 dunia mendahului Toyota (isu yang dipublikasikan oleh media, tetapi sepertinya masih perlu peningkatan yang signifikan sebelum menjadi nomer 1 dunia)

Diagram disamping menunjukkan bahwa teknologi RFID di perusahaan ini cukup dianggap penting dalam pendistribusian komponen otomotif yang dihasilkan. Selain dapat melacak proses produksi yang sedang berlangsung (real time monitoring production system), RFID juga dapat digunakan untuk melacak perawatan komponen (After Sales Service) setelah kendaraan tersebut digunakan oleh konsumen. Sistem yang terintegrasi seperti ini diharapkan dapat membawa kepuasan konsumen yang lebih meningkat, meski ada efek samping seperti data privacy dan security berkaitan dengan penggunaan mobil tersebut.

E-Mart adalah sebuah perusahaan retail paling terkemuka di Korea, dikuasai oleh Shisegae Group, yang dulunya termasuk dalam Samsung Group dan akhirnya terlingkup dalam CJ Group (Makanan/Kimia/Hiburan), Saehan Group (Media elektronik, pakaian, tekstil) dan Hansol Group (Kertas/Telekomunikasi)

Pemantauan produk di jalur distribusi selama pengiriman ke retailer merupakan hal yang dirasa penting oleh E-mart. Sebagai salah satu retailer paling terkemuka di Korea Selatan, perusahaan ini mencoba menerapkan teknologi RFID untuk pemantauan inventory dan pemesanan produk termasuk pemantauan produk hingga sampai ke inventory bahkan sampai ke display dari setiap outlet.

Real-time system monitoring ini juga berguna bagi konsumen yang menunggu pemesanan produk akibat lack-of-inventory (backlog order) pada saat kedatangan konsumen. Inti dari penggunaan teknologi RFID adalah peningkatan kepuasan konsumen dan efisiensi dunia retailer.

GM Daewoo Auto & Technology ditetapkan sebagai salah satu mobil nasional sejak 1937. Pabrik yang awalnya berdiri di Incheon, berganti nama beberapa kali (awalnya bernama Saenara Motor). Setelah berkolaborasi dengan Toyota di tahun 1965 (dengan nama Shinjin Motor), namanya juga diganti lagi setelah berkolaborasi di tahun 1972 bersama General Motor, USA. (General Motors Korea, dan 1976 berganti nama menjadi Daewoo Motor)

Tahun 1998, pada saat krisis finansial, perusahaan mengambil alih perusahaan SsangYong (spesialis untuk produk 4WD) yang terimbas krisis moneter saat itu. Tetapi, alhasil Daewoo Motor juga terlilit krisis yang cukup berdampak pada tahun 1999.

Akhirnya, pada tahun 2002, General Motors memutuskan untuk membeli mayoritas asset Daewoo dan berkolaborasi dengan Suzuki dan SAIC holding. Sejarah singkat GM Daewoo menunjukkan bagaimana peran sektor eksternal pada penyelamatan perusahaan ini. Dan, saat ini, sebagai salah satu perusahaan otomotif korea yang cukup naik daun karena mobil "kecil", GM-Daewoo memposisikan diri sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan RFID untuk kegiatan manufaktur dan SCM'nya.

Sistem RFID sedang dalam tahap pengembangan dan hampir pada tahap implementasi untuk produk secara keseluruhan. Sistem arsitektur dari teknologi RFID tersebut dapat dilihat di diagram di atas.

Hansol adalah sebuah pabrik konglomerasi di Korea yang bergerak di banyak sektor industri, antara lain konstruksi, elektronik, pariwisata, kimia, interior perumahan, produk kertas, telekomunikasi dan logistik.
Penguasaan di berbagai lini sektor industri tersebut membuat Hansol perlu meningkatkan efisiensi industri dengan teknologi RFID sebagai media mempercepat proses dan menekan resiko kehilangan produk, baik time-persistent product (kimia, telekomunikasi, dll) maupun state-persistent product (kertas, konstruksi, dll)

RFID related implementation (1)

GLOVIS, as a part of Hyundai KIA motor logistic company, has been settled as a global logistic company. The previous name in Hankook Logitech Co. Ltd was established in 2001. And, in June 2003 was changed its name to GLOVIS.

As you see in the upper and left picture, they developed such kind of simulation in their own logistic city. The existing 3-D simulation mockup is to publish the importance of RFID technology and their contribution in the logistic process in South Korea .
RFID is used to accelerate SCM process from supplier to customer via any related transportation media (air, sea, land). RFID is very useful to trace the product during the transshipment. And the signal was shown in a small panel to display the product movement in the real-time system.
The development of RFID technology has been established in many typical industrial area. Readers are encouraged to read the following article (link).

Friday, November 14, 2008


Ada yang tahu istilah agritour ?

Agritour terdiri dari 2 kata, agrikultur dan tour. Artinya, petualangan seputar agrikultural. Dalam kehidupan kita, mungkin bisa dikategorikan sebagai wisata alam atau sejenis outbond. Beberapa kawasan wisata atau wahana lingkungan hidup menyediakan program serupa untuk mengenalkan tumbuhan atau hewan di alam sekitar.

Begitu pula dengan negara ginseng ini. Mereka menyediakan sebuah program untuk anak-anak, dimana program ini akan memperkenalkan agrikultural kepada para peserta program dengan menggunakan sistem ubiquitous (computer is everywhere).

Caranya bagaimana ?
1. Setiap Tumbuhan akan diberi Tag. Tag tersebut akan berisi informasi berupa teks yang nanti akan diteruskan ke setiap peserta.
2. Setiap anak akan diberikan tag dan reader. Tag berfungsi untuk mendeteksi lokasi peserta / anak (apabila lokasi kawasan wisata sangat besar) dan Reader berfungsi untuk membaca informasi dari tag yang akan dilalui. Reader bisa berupa HP (hand phone) atau PDA khusus.
3. Seorang anak akan berkeliling di kawasan wisata dan reader akan langsung menerima informasi dari tag yang jaraknya dekat dengan peserta, sehingga peserta dapat secara langsung menerima informasi di reader (HP atau PDA), bisa membaca maupun mendengar informasi tersebut.
4. Reader dapat melacak apakah peserta sudah melalui semua rute atau belum. Reader juga dapat memberikan konfirmasi, berapa lama seseorang mengamati sebuah tumbuhan. Hal ini akan memberi kemudahan bagi pembuat program untuk mengatur jadual antar kelompok.
5. Penjelasan di PDA akan lebih interaktif dan bisa didesain sesuai kebutuhan user, misalnya pilihan bahasa, pilihan warna background, pilihan font, dsb. Aplikasi ini akan memberi kesan belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.
Hal ini terlihat sangat sederhana tetapi menyenangkan. Banyak dari kita melihat fungsi agritour hanya sebagai sesuatu yang "ndeso". Padahal kalau kita mau gali lebih dalam, alam akan memberi makna tersendiri bagi kehidupan manusia. Dan, sudah menjadi tugas manusia untuk mengeksplorasi alam. Dan, teknologi dibuat untuk memberi kemudahan bagi manusia untuk belajar tentang alam.
Semoga teknologi ini memberi inspirasi bagi kemajuan bangsa Indonesia.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The terminology of ubiquitous means computers are everywhere. South Korea promotes their 15 main cities to have the technology such as wireless networking and RFID tags to be a region with ubiquitous information technology. All information system are linked and everything is virtually linked to an information system using technology connection.

I tried to provide some pictures related to u-city that is being promoted in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.

RFID/USN (Radio Frequency Identification and Ubiquitous Sensor Network) is being developed in mostly developed countries, included South Korea to achieve highly quality of citizen social life. The networking of any information technology equipment among personal information privacy is being settled to be the best technology ever in this era.
U-Seoul, as one of the project in South Korea, is intended to link everything due to citizen personal life, especially in the health-care service. The left figure represent the connection to other parties regarding the u-Care services.
Not only developing technology in the health area, the government also enhance the information link between all life aspect such as transportation, business, governance, fun (culture) and the green environment. All the link will connect to personal digital appliances (such as cell-phone, PDA, etc.) as the service to the citizen. Picture below are representing the requirement information content on the cellphone regarding to environment.

South Korea has developed their u-city project before 2000.
- Seoul also has been pushing its own u-city project since 1998 in the western district of Sangam-dong, which is being developed as a research and development hub for the high-tech industry.
- The Busan city government plans to spend between 850-960 billion won to revamp Busan into a futuristic city by 2010.
- Incheon plans to introduce an intelligent transportation system, home networking, tele-medicine, a disaster prevention/management system, and a pollution control system by 2020. Incheon also has been eager to take up the project and is poised to provide a state-of-the-art network environment in New Songdo City, a new international town it is building for completion in 2014.
- Jeju is likely to focus on tourism as it implements its u-city plans. U-traffic, u-museum, u-park and u-coupon are four major targets that the Jeju provincial government wishes to achieve. U-museum will be realized at the Jeju Stones & Cultural Park in northern Jeju. An anti-theft system and a location-based system which keeps track of visitors' whereabouts will be set up within the museum. U-coupon system for collecting admittance fees will also be introduced.
- The Suwon city government aims to introduce an individually-tailored administration system through which different administration sections can share information.
Noteworthy is Suwon's "u-protection" service which manages health conditions of senior citizens, especially those who live alone, using "mobile health-sensor" technologies.
For example, elderly citizens with the Alzheimer's disease will be identified via location-based technologies in cases that they get lost or struck with troubles.
- Korea's leading information-technology companies are set to pull together their respective expertise to transform part of Daejeon, southeast of Seoul, into a futuristic "intelligent" town.
Chief officials from KT Corp., Samsung SDS Co., LG Electronics Inc., and LG CNS signed a memorandum of understanding for collaboration on a "Future-X U (Ubiquitous)-City" project, commenced in 2006.
I hope this idea will generate new idea to develop our beloved country, Indonesia

Postdoctoral Position on Business Process Management in Logistics

Postdoctoral Position on Business Process Management in Logistics

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow interested in working on Logistic Process Management supported by Brain Korea 21 (BK21) project at Pusan National University (PNU). This program was established by Korean Government to assist promising and highly qualified young researchers wishing to conduct research in South Korea. It aims at providing opportunities for such researchers to conduct cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Korean institutions. Such collaboration will advance scientific research.

Any of candidates with Phd degree in Industrial Engineering, Computer Science or Management Information System is encouraged to have research opportunity in Business & Service Computing Laboratory, Industrial Engineering Department, PNU.

Research Topics of the group:
- Business Process Management
- Logistic Information System
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Context Aware Logistic Process Management
- RFID Workflow
- Complex Event Handling
- Process-based B2B Integration
- XML and webservice

PhD in Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, or related majors
Excellent English Skill.
Excellent Skill of computer programming language (Java) and database (Oracle).
OO System Analysis and Design

Duration: 12months starting April 2009 (Based on the research progress, the duration may be extended)
Salary: 24,000,000 Korean Won/year (current exchange rate is about 1,300 Won/USD).

Brief Introduction about Pusan National University
Pusan National University was founded in May 1946 with two faculties, the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Fisheries. Since then, it has grown into a major educational and research institution and today enjoys its reputation as one of top universities in Korea.
The University is now comprised of fifteen colleges, one independent division, one general graduate school, four professional graduate schools and five special graduate schools, and contributes to the development of the nation by producing prominent experts and talented leaders.
As March 2007 graduates of PNU totaled 123.397 bachelor’s degree holders, 26,748 master’s degree holders, and 4,838 doctoral scholars. Many of them are playing central roles as community, national and world leaders.

Introduction to Busan, South Korea
Busan, a bustling city of approximately 3.7 million residents, is located on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula. The size of Busan is 765.10km² which is 0.8% of the whole land of the Korean Peninsula. The natural environment of Busan is a perfect example of harmony between mountains, rivers and sea. Its geography includes a coastline with superb beaches and scenic cliffs, mountains which provide excellent hiking and extraordinary views, and hot springs scattered throughout the city. Busan enjoys four distinct seasons and a temperate climate that never gets too hot or too cold.Busan is the second largest city in Korea. Its deep harbor and gentle tides have allowed it to grow into the largest container handling port in the country and the fifth largest in the world. In the coming years, capacity is set to grow further with the opening of the New Port. The city's natural endowments and rich history have resulted in Busan's increasing reputation as a world class city of tourism and culture, and it is also becoming renowned as an international convention destination.

Applicants are invited to send a detailed resume including name, address, and contact information to us.
Please include your curriculum vitae, a list of publications.
The deadline of the application is 15 February 2009

Email :
Dr. Hyerim Bae,
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Pusan National University
Tel. +82-51-510-2733
Admin : Mr. Bernardo,